Book a coaching call or in-person coaching session.
Want to expand your business? Let’s chat during a 2-hr business coaching call.
Topics discussed during my previous business calls include:
- Product line start-up (ex. sourcing vendors, sampling products, product design, pricing, marketing)
- Building clientele
- Creating an organized business (ex. LLC formation, explaining taxes/tax categories, business licenses/permits, city zoning, choosing a suite/salon & remodeling, income/expense tracking, etc.)
- Adding independent contractors/renters to your business, contracts, costs, etc.
- Instagram page audit (ex. content posted, page appearance)
- Website design walkthrough/assistance
…& many more! You can ask me anything business or life-related. This is a judge-free zone!

The beauty of lashing is that you are always learning. No matter if you’re a beginner artist or advanced, a 4-hr 1:1 in-person mentorship may help you grow!
How it works:
- Book a 1:1 in-person coaching session on my booking site.
- Fill out the form upon booking to let me know what you need help with (ex. wispy styling, lash fanning and placement, mega volume, etc.)
- Arrive to my lash studio where we will work 1:1- either with your model (can be a paid model!) or on a mannequin!
- All you need to bring is your favourite lash supplies (think of the supplies you’d bring for a mobile lash appointment!)
- Receive a lifetime student discount code + lifetime access to my personal line for any on-going questions!